Sunday, February 17, 2013

Juice Fast

My parents were in for the weekend which is why I haven't posted in a while. After a weekend full of eating out and making a few poor decisions I am left feeling very ill tonight. Eating gluten free does not go well with dining out. Most times people have no clue what gluten free means. You get a lot of "I don't knows" and "I'm not sures". It's really pathetic. So now, I feel like my body is full of poison. I know it's a big extreme to say but I feel toxic. It has left me wondering if I should in fact be tested for Celiac or gluten intolerance. I am not sure if I believe in the term "gluten intolerant". I believe most people are. The wheat that exists now is not the wheat that once was. This is a hybrid wheat. A wheat that is fast growing, abundant, and lacking all of it's original healthy nutrients. Now our bodies are ingesting this wheat like grain which is most often over processed and put into the food we eat with a bunch of other ingredients we can't even pronounce.
Tomorrow I am starting a juice cleanse. I aim to do it for at least three days with the hopes of doing it and ending it on friday. I plan on juicing for breakfast and lunch with a healthful dinner and no snacking after dinner. As much as I love wine I am also going to be cutting out wine for the week. I need to re set my body and feel clean and healthy again. I will post my juices and progress daily to keep you posted on how I am doing. Wish me luck!

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