Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I started following a blog a long time ago called Healthful Pursuit. I absolutely love it. I follow her on facebook as well. She is a holistic nutritionist who is into yoga and living healthfully. She has inspired me in so many ways. This weekend she posted that she was going to be doing a study this year and needed some volunteers. She would choose about five people and then email them the details. I emailed her thinking, what the heck. Sure enough I was chosen and from over 100 people!!

For her study I am recording everything I eat into a template she created. I record how much water I drink. How many servings in each food group. After everything I eat I record how it made me feel. I am doing this for two weeks and then I write a short summary. We are then going to chat on the phone and she will answer any questions I may have. I am super excited about this because I really admire her and I feel like I may wind up helping someone in some small way. I will keep you posted on what I find out.

I didn't wake up today when my alarm went off which has me all flustered because I had to use some of my free time to work out. Always stinks. Did my Jackie Warner Extreme Time Saving Workout. I am beginning to find that weight training needs to come before cardio. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn. I could do cardio until I am blue in the face and my body wouldn't change much at all. That was my problem for the longest time. I couldn't lose the baby weight. Wouldn't budge. Then I started more weight training and combination moves with cardio and weight or high intensity weights and now I am more in shape than I have ever been in my life. It literally turns your body into a fat burning machine. Trust me when I tell you, weight training is key. If you only have a little bit of time, choose it.

Lately I am in deep thought about life. We try and try and try to be slim. It seems like most people are striving for that unless they already are and in that case there is something else they are wanting. I am guessing it's an American way of thinking. Thin is beautiful. For the first time in a long time I am really happy with my body. Of course there are a few things I don't like, but I am afraid I will have to live with them, unless I go under the knife of course. I am trying to be more in tune with being healthy and not thin. I am trying to eat right and exercise to be strong. If I focus on these things alone I know that my body will be healthy and I will be happy.

Let's try to shift our goals. Instead of trying to lose weight and be thin, try and be mindful of the way you are living and the choices you are making. Take time for you. Take time to fit a workout in. There is always at least 20 minutes sometime during our hectic day that we can find something physical we can do for ourselves. As busy as life can be, we owe it to ourselves to take care of this body. We are in it forever.

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